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Iskandar Widjaja: The Much Anticipated Violin Virtuoso at Soehanna Hall

Writer's picture: thegrandshow2017thegrandshow2017

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

To Iskandar Widjaja, travelling to Indonesia to perform a concert is akin to a tradition of returning home. Like all Indonesian violinists who accumulate myriad achievements abroad, coming back to his second homeland brings him great joy.

Born on June 6th, 1986, Iskandar holds a German citizenship, but has Indonesian, Dutch, Arabic and Chinese blood. His grandfather, Udin Widjaja, in the era of President Soekarno, was a famous musician in his own right.

This October’s end, he will present “Bach and Zen” at Soho House Berlin, Germany. Subsequently, in early November, he will continue with a performance at the Bohemian National Hall in New York, collaborating simultaneously with pianist and composer Fazil Say.

Soon thereafter, the much anticipated event will arrive as Iskandar sets foot on the Indonesian stage. On November 15, 2019, Iskandar Widjaja will hold a concert at Soehanna Hall Jakarta, a performance complete with magnificent lighting and his trademark virtuosity.

This classical music concert entitled “Heritage Concert Series: 1001 Lights” is an adaptation of his new album, “1001 Nights in the Harem”. In collaboration with the pianist Christine Utomo, Iskandar will perform the masterpieces of the world’s greatest composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach, Fazil Say, Max Richter, Arvo Part, David Lang, Yiruma and Skylar Gray.

Iskandar’s concert promises extraordinary surprises and it is certainly one worth looking forward to. As an event organized by The Grand Signature Piano, regular ticket sales have been opened for IDR 300 thousand and VIP tickets are opened for IDR 500 thousand. However, audience members obtaining pre-sale tickets may get regular tickets for Rp 150 thousand and Rp 210 thousand for the first and second pre-sale respectively.

As Iskandar continues to stun and amaze in every concert, audiences and music connoisseurs alike will anticipate his performance eagerly.


Menggelar konser musik di Indonesia seperti menjalani ritual pulang kampung bagi seorang Iskandar Widjaja. Pemain biola dengan segudang prestasi ini selalu merindukan Indonesia sebagai tanah air keduanya.

Dia menyandang status kewarganegaraan Jerman tapi memiliki darah campuran Indonesia, Belanda, Arab dan China. Darah seni mengalir dari kakeknya Udin Widjaja yang merupakan musisi tersohor di era Presiden RI Soekarno.

Akhir Oktober ini, dia akan lebih dulu menyajikan “Bach and Zen” di Soho House Berlin, Jerman. Sebelum melanjutkan pertunjukan biolanya di Bohemian National Hall New York, Amerika Serikat awal Novembernanti. Di sana, dia akan berkolaborasi dengan pianis sekaligus komposer Fazil Say.

Selanjutnya,apa yang dinantikan pun tiba. Iskandar akan menjejakkan kakinya di panggung pertunjukan Indonesia. Bertempat di Soehanna Hall Jakarta pada 15 November 2019, sebuah konser oleh Iskandar Widjaja akan dihelat dengan tata lampu yang megah.

Konser musik klasik ini bertajuk “Heritage Concert Series: 1001 Lights” yang merupakan adaptasi dari judul album baru Iskandar Widjaja “1001 Nights in the Harem”. Iskandar berkolaborasi dengan pianis Christine Utomo akan memainkan mahakarya komposer dunia seperti Johann Sebastian Bach, Fazil Say, Max Richter, Arvo Part, David Lang, Yiruma dan Skylar Grey.

Konser yang sangat layak untuk dinanti karena Iskandar Widjaja menjanjikan konser musik klasik yang berbeda dan penuh kejutan. The Grand Signature Piano sebagai penyelenggara acara telah membuka penjualan tiket regular seharga Rp 300 ribu dan tiket VIP Rp 500 ribu. Tapi penonton bisa memanfaatkan presale pertamauntuk mendapatkantiket regularseharga Rp 150 ribu dan presale kedua seharga Rp 210 ribu.

Pembelian tiket bisa dilakukan di website atau menghubungi nomor telepon 021-2992-4346, 0813-8000-6326, 0813-8000-7225 dan 0813-8000-3753. Pastikan Anda membeli tiketnya sebelum kehabisan!



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