Musical learning is almost always associated with a strict and formal classroom setting. With the goal of making an educative difference, The Grand hosted students from Giem@wad Piano Entertainment School on March 2nd, 2019. They visited our showroom to experience and learn about playing on a premium grand piano.
Under Nina Nova Margaretha, 7 students performed on our newly arrived Estonia piano, creating an intimate moment for all. Parents were equally delighted to see their children’s performance. The lucky students that were given the opportunity to try the Fazioli included Annisa Irhamna Putri (11 years old), Azzati Anindhita Ramadhanty (19 years old), Cherinette Corsane Khassyah Purceria (12 years old), Elliora Khassyah Adlkireina (16 years old), Nayla Qanita (12 years old), Shanika Ayuri Ismunandar (11 years old) and Zahra Fairisa (16 years old)
With this valuable experience, we hope that the beautiful sound of our grand pianos will motivate them to devote more time to honing their art. Thank you for sharing your music with The Grand!